In a thrilling fusion of classic and contemporary, Major League DJz breathe new life into the iconic house anthem ‘Most Precious Love.’ Originally...
Sabotage has joined forces with Ginger Trill and Rez Proph for his new single, ‘Cheque’ produced by Kaizer Beats. ‘Cheque’ is a lyrical masterpiece...
Sixby9ine and Teejay Mokoena have released a new song titled 'CONGRATULATIONS' that features Mia. Mia's captivating voice carries the song with her au...
EMZ has continued his run of dropping a single every month by featuring Mthatha rapper, BhutLegend on 'Phalishi X Khabishi'. He taps into his feelings...
After weeks of teasing, DJ Sliqe has finally unleashed his eagerly awaited joint, ‘iJuzi,’ featuring Flow Jones Jr., as well as Lacabra, Lowfeye, Sast...
R&B songstress, Bono Paige has joined dynamic forces with rapper and vocalist, Blue Pappi for a heartfelt new single titled ‘For The Road’. The sin...