{"id":7090,"created_at":"2017-11-21 15:05:12","updated_at":"2021-04-16 12:55:39","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2017-11-21 15:05:12","original_id":null,"artist_id":7045,"title":"Bang Bang","slug":"bang-bang","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":null,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"I only check the coast so fuck the mic check\/\/ I'm the verbally fat cat\/\/ trying to lose weight by running this track\/\/ but I'm a cat with nothing to lose like skeletons on fat-attack\/\/ if you try and attack me_ I'll break yo fast like the morning meal\/\/ my rhyming skills_ to those who are fucked_ they are the pills\/\/ they will make you chill (freeze)\/\/ I kill and bury MCs\/\/ just like the insurances\/\/ I will leave your body covered\/\/ this is the best mixtape for all you Hype lovers\/\/ it's damaging streets like potholes\/\/ I'm still dropping them heats (hits) like Sourth Poles\/\/ I will never lose my heat it's like I'm wrapped in a foil\/\/ it's like a seesaw my niggaz when I'm rising u fall\/\/ I'm in grade 13_ I'm in a class of my own\/\/ this (me) is an atmosphere_this is where stars are born\/\/ crazy dudes idler than a full blown with AIDS\/\/ you fuck with just one_ we'll jump you like 'J' in crazy 8.....","download_count":333,"play_count":31,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":4,"download_count_24_at":"2021-04-16","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":null,"status_reason":null,"status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}
Bang Bang


Bang Bang

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Downloads: 333

Song Lyrics:

I only check the coast so fuck the mic check// I'm the verbally fat cat// trying to lose weight by running this track// but I'm a cat with nothing to lose like skeletons on fat-attack// if you try and attack me_ I'll break yo fast like the morning meal// my rhyming skills_ to those who are fucked_ they are the pills// they will make you chill (freeze)// I kill and bury MCs// just like the insurances// I will leave your body covered// this is the best mixtape for all you Hype lovers// it's damaging streets like potholes// I'm still dropping them heats (hits) like Sourth Poles// I will never lose my heat it's like I'm wrapped in a foil// it's like a seesaw my niggaz when I'm rising u fall// I'm in grade 13_ I'm in a class of my own// this (me) is an atmosphere_this is where stars are born// crazy dudes idler than a full blown with AIDS// you fuck with just one_ we'll jump you like 'J' in crazy 8.....

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