{"id":57129,"created_at":"2019-02-16 22:07:26","updated_at":"2021-03-23 05:01:28","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2019-02-16 22:07:26","original_id":null,"artist_id":23273,"title":"K fresh","slug":"k-fresh","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":null,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"Am k fresh fresh from k1 sinc day one Nig pakamisa ekasi lami \r\n\r\nIt's silly silly youngwest wilde West coking this track sit Back relax maybe you might get a feed back til then nxa tsek get off ma back talk to the hand end ungangi landellie couse this hand will end up in your face pahoo ketla hoo shapa kampama echisang couse all I bring is hit am on fier maccala useke wanka De chance yer ma rol me one light it up smoke puff pass higher here we go yilentwana again back with more pain like a train ngizoko gnda ube ma peace peace so please please","download_count":161,"play_count":3,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":1,"download_count_24_at":"2021-03-23","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":"https:\/\/\/sol-assets\/uploads\/public\/5c6\/86a\/353\/thumb_176211_300_300_0_0_crop.png","status_reason":null,"status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}
K fresh

Youngwest sly

K fresh

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Song Lyrics:

Am k fresh fresh from k1 sinc day one Nig pakamisa ekasi lami It's silly silly youngwest wilde West coking this track sit Back relax maybe you might get a feed back til then nxa tsek get off ma back talk to the hand end ungangi landellie couse this hand will end up in your face pahoo ketla hoo shapa kampama echisang couse all I bring is hit am on fier maccala useke wanka De chance yer ma rol me one light it up smoke puff pass higher here we go yilentwana again back with more pain like a train ngizoko gnda ube ma peace peace so please please

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