{"id":46784,"created_at":"2018-12-04 09:43:22","updated_at":"2021-04-23 01:14:00","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2018-12-04 09:43:22","original_id":null,"artist_id":29893,"title":"God is on deck (cover)","slug":"god-is-on-deck-cover","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":null,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"God is on deck, chain on my neck \/ \r\nMy team is moving like a train angeke us'vimbe boi x2 \/ I'm up in the way.. \r\n\r\nI wrote this one on the seat of an uber reminiscing while I'm going to make my money \/ s'phanda lo cash even on a monday \/ ng'phakamisa ikasi kuwa banengi \/ sabzanator chom yabana labantwana ng'bangena nge pipe angeke bangidle \/ phela elami iJoint lideeee \/ fasa-fasa on a Wednesday\/ thina s'yaphusha bona bamileee \/ bangena nge vosho sangena nge number \/ no free performance phela vele ngyalamba \/ maan thatha lo cash bese vele s'yahamba\/ she\r\n's riding my dick & ul'biza nge mamba \/ on her knees like she's speaking to God \/ God is on deck ! Chain on my neck ! \r\n[HOOK] \r\n\r\nJoint in my mouth but I'm not as high \/ \r\nStay rolling up ntwana until s'hambe \/ \r\nSophila kamnandi mase ngine saka \/ \r\nIf I say I'm gonna be rich then I will even if it takes time \/ sorry baby that's a long wait \/ mara iout izopopa fede \/ ng'feil vele ngyazaz ngu nsangwini \/ married to the money ntway'zin \/ uBae uyazaz iSide chick \/ ng'zazophusha iAudi k'zonyiwa \/ azoz'lahlela ama slay queens \/ ng'zoshaya eliy1 ngik'khaphe kini \/ kwamele umfaz athole amaningi \/ amajita athole ama beer amaningi \/ \r\nI pray to God like... God is on Deck !","download_count":189,"play_count":6,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":1,"download_count_24_at":"2021-04-23","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":"https:\/\/\/sol-assets\/uploads\/public\/5c0\/62f\/cea\/thumb_146380_300_300_0_0_crop.jpg","status_reason":null,"status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}
God is on deck (cover)


God is on deck (cover)

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Downloads: 189

Song Lyrics:

God is on deck, chain on my neck / My team is moving like a train angeke us'vimbe boi x2 / I'm up in the way.. I wrote this one on the seat of an uber reminiscing while I'm going to make my money / s'phanda lo cash even on a monday / ng'phakamisa ikasi kuwa banengi / sabzanator chom yabana labantwana ng'bangena nge pipe angeke bangidle / phela elami iJoint lideeee / fasa-fasa on a Wednesday/ thina s'yaphusha bona bamileee / bangena nge vosho sangena nge number / no free performance phela vele ngyalamba / maan thatha lo cash bese vele s'yahamba/ she 's riding my dick & ul'biza nge mamba / on her knees like she's speaking to God / God is on deck ! Chain on my neck ! [HOOK] Joint in my mouth but I'm not as high / Stay rolling up ntwana until s'hambe / Sophila kamnandi mase ngine saka / If I say I'm gonna be rich then I will even if it takes time / sorry baby that's a long wait / mara iout izopopa fede / ng'feil vele ngyazaz ngu nsangwini / married to the money ntway'zin / uBae uyazaz iSide chick / ng'zazophusha iAudi k'zonyiwa / azoz'lahlela ama slay queens / ng'zoshaya eliy1 ngik'khaphe kini / kwamele umfaz athole amaningi / amajita athole ama beer amaningi / I pray to God like... God is on Deck !

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