{"id":314135,"created_at":"2024-09-15 23:38:19","updated_at":"2024-10-15 08:53:05","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2024-09-15 23:38:19","original_id":null,"artist_id":153390,"title":"TED","slug":"ted","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":null,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"They want me around like I'm Ted but I barely do talking I barely get out the apartment, we had nothing but that didn't stop us from working because we got tired of starving, everyday we get out of the sun like we hate when I Rock a trench coat I'm like blade \r\n\r\nThey calling me family like we related but when I need people around they won't make it my time is too valuable you can't replace it man look at my watch see that it's nameless, It don't bother me that I ain't famous boy, I was born on the day before Christmas, in the womb I wrote santa my wishlist that's why they mama named baby boy gifted I'm unique I embrace that I'm different they would shout at me but I won't listen if you can't stand the heat get out the kitchen\r\n\r\n They want me around like I'm Ted but I barely do talking I barely get out the apartment, we had nothing but that didn't stop us from working because we got tired of starving, everyday we get out of the sun like we hate when I Rock a trench coat I'm like blade \r\n\r\nThey want me around like I'm Ted but like 247 I'm 420 all in my bed, roll me a blunt cause I'm tired of speaking but when it's my chick she just gives me some head, she very poetic indeed but she barely say words when I'm hitting her deep, she bites like a shark so I promise that she gon be wer like the sea\r\n\r\nThey want me around like I'm Ted but I barely do talking I barely get out the apartment, we had nothing but that didn't stop us from working because we got tired of starving, everyday we get out of the sun like we hate when I Rock a trench coat I'm like blade","download_count":18,"play_count":9,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":1,"download_count_24_at":"2024-10-15","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":"https:\/\/s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/sol-assets\/uploads\/public\/66e\/74f\/7c9\/thumb_1034768_300_300_0_0_crop.jpg","status_reason":"published","status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}
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Song Lyrics:
They want me around like I'm Ted but I barely do talking I barely get out the apartment, we had nothing but that didn't stop us from working because we got tired of starving, everyday we get out of the sun like we hate when I Rock a trench coat I'm like blade
They calling me family like we related but when I need people around they won't make it my time is too valuable you can't replace it man look at my watch see that it's nameless, It don't bother me that I ain't famous boy, I was born on the day before Christmas, in the womb I wrote santa my wishlist that's why they mama named baby boy gifted I'm unique I embrace that I'm different they would shout at me but I won't listen if you can't stand the heat get out the kitchen
They want me around like I'm Ted but I barely do talking I barely get out the apartment, we had nothing but that didn't stop us from working because we got tired of starving, everyday we get out of the sun like we hate when I Rock a trench coat I'm like blade
They want me around like I'm Ted but like 247 I'm 420 all in my bed, roll me a blunt cause I'm tired of speaking but when it's my chick she just gives me some head, she very poetic indeed but she barely say words when I'm hitting her deep, she bites like a shark so I promise that she gon be wer like the sea
They want me around like I'm Ted but I barely do talking I barely get out the apartment, we had nothing but that didn't stop us from working because we got tired of starving, everyday we get out of the sun like we hate when I Rock a trench coat I'm like blade
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