{"id":31285,"created_at":"2018-08-18 16:10:15","updated_at":"2021-04-21 08:58:29","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2018-08-18 16:10:15","original_id":null,"artist_id":17629,"title":"My Cross","slug":"my-cross","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":null,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"HOOK\r\n-Hail Mary\/\r\n Full of Grace\/\r\n-Got Goonz\/\r\n Like Johakim\/\r\n-& Boaz\/\r\n At THE GATES\/\r\n-Novo\/\r\n Ordo\/\r\n Seclorum\/\r\n-The Real\/\r\n & the Fake\/\r\n-No Religion\/\r\n They're killing\/\r\n-All Defenders\/\r\n Of our Faith\/\r\n\r\n-So point ya\/\r\n Fingers at me\/\r\n-Or jus'\/\r\n Crucify me\/\r\n-For all them stripes\/\r\n I've earned from\/\r\n-The Master\/\r\n Lashing me\/\r\n-Shooting 4 stars\/\r\n While Hitters squeeze\/\r\n-Their trigger\/\r\n Fingers at me\/\r\n-Ya Boy got GAME\/\r\n We ballin'\/\r\n-Dem Suckers\/\r\n Playin' Referee\/\r\n-Carry my\/\r\n Own Cross\/\r\n-Yerushalahim\/\r\n Don't pity me\/\r\n-Dyin'2 live\/\r\n Still Sucker free\/\r\n-Don't hate\/\r\n Jus'crucify me, jus'crucify me\/\r\n(hunnn look)\r\nVERSE:01\r\n-If God is\/\r\nTHE TRUTH\/\r\n-Then\/\r\n THE Devil's A LIE\/\r\n-I beheld\/\r\n Shaitan\/\r\n-As an Angel\/\r\n Fallin'from the Sky\/\r\n-Lucifar\/\r\n Oh Lucifar\/\r\n-Damn Lucifar\/\r\n You Fallen Bright Morning Star\/\r\n-Grand Master\/\r\n Music\/\r\n-The Archangel\/\r\n Of Light\/\r\n-Favorite\/\r\n & The Greatest\/\r\n-Brought down\/\r\n By his pride\/\r\n-You said\/\r\n You'll exalt yourself\/\r\n-How foolish\/\r\n & not wise\/\r\n-How would you\/\r\n Even try\/\r\n-Rise yourself next\/\r\n Close to THE MOST HIGH\/\r\n-24 Elders\/\r\n The 4 Creatures\/\r\n-Turning\/\r\n Every side\/\r\n-Now Hell is\/\r\n Ya Domain\/\r\n-Coz ya Heart\/\r\n Been DARK\/\r\n-Even tho'\/\r\n Ya body shone\/\r\n-Now you're wonderin'\/\r\n On Earth\/\r\n-Fro & to\/\r\n & ruinin'lives\/\r\n-We're no\/\r\n Gon'ride\/\r\n-Jus'take\/\r\n A hike\/\r\n-& I'll never\/\r\n Give up the fight\/\r\n-The War\/\r\n In the Highest\/\r\n-Is invisible\/\r\n To the naked Eye\/\r\n-Many are called\/\r\n But few are chosen\/\r\n-Wish I could\/\r\n Tell why\/\r\n-4 the Wages of\/\r\n Sin's Death\/\r\n-I'll face all my wrongs\/\r\n That I couldn't right\/\r\n-I'm willin'\/\r\n 2 pay the price\/\r\n-Kill the flesh\/\r\n This Body\/\r\n-Get Sacrificed\/\r\n My soul'll never die\/\r\n-Jus'like\/\r\n The One that crucify\/\r\n-The Murderer\/\r\n Hang\/\r\n-At the right\/\r\n Of Christ\/\r\n{-Lord have\/}\r\n {Mercy on my Life\/}\r\n{-Remember me\/}\r\n {In ya Paradise\/} x2\r\n \r\nBACK TO HOOK\r\n FIN","download_count":209,"play_count":21,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":1,"download_count_24_at":"2021-04-21","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":"https:\/\/\/sol-assets\/uploads\/public\/5b7\/821\/9d5\/thumb_101403_300_300_0_0_crop.jpg","status_reason":null,"status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}
My Cross

Franco De Blanco

My Cross

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Downloads: 209

Song Lyrics:

HOOK -Hail Mary/ Full of Grace/ -Got Goonz/ Like Johakim/ -& Boaz/ At THE GATES/ -Novo/ Ordo/ Seclorum/ -The Real/ & the Fake/ -No Religion/ They're killing/ -All Defenders/ Of our Faith/ -So point ya/ Fingers at me/ -Or jus'/ Crucify me/ -For all them stripes/ I've earned from/ -The Master/ Lashing me/ -Shooting 4 stars/ While Hitters squeeze/ -Their trigger/ Fingers at me/ -Ya Boy got GAME/ We ballin'/ -Dem Suckers/ Playin' Referee/ -Carry my/ Own Cross/ -Yerushalahim/ Don't pity me/ -Dyin'2 live/ Still Sucker free/ -Don't hate/ Jus'crucify me, jus'crucify me/ (hunnn look) VERSE:01 -If God is/ THE TRUTH/ -Then/ THE Devil's A LIE/ -I beheld/ Shaitan/ -As an Angel/ Fallin'from the Sky/ -Lucifar/ Oh Lucifar/ -Damn Lucifar/ You Fallen Bright Morning Star/ -Grand Master/ Music/ -The Archangel/ Of Light/ -Favorite/ & The Greatest/ -Brought down/ By his pride/ -You said/ You'll exalt yourself/ -How foolish/ & not wise/ -How would you/ Even try/ -Rise yourself next/ Close to THE MOST HIGH/ -24 Elders/ The 4 Creatures/ -Turning/ Every side/ -Now Hell is/ Ya Domain/ -Coz ya Heart/ Been DARK/ -Even tho'/ Ya body shone/ -Now you're wonderin'/ On Earth/ -Fro & to/ & ruinin'lives/ -We're no/ Gon'ride/ -Jus'take/ A hike/ -& I'll never/ Give up the fight/ -The War/ In the Highest/ -Is invisible/ To the naked Eye/ -Many are called/ But few are chosen/ -Wish I could/ Tell why/ -4 the Wages of/ Sin's Death/ -I'll face all my wrongs/ That I couldn't right/ -I'm willin'/ 2 pay the price/ -Kill the flesh/ This Body/ -Get Sacrificed/ My soul'll never die/ -Jus'like/ The One that crucify/ -The Murderer/ Hang/ -At the right/ Of Christ/ {-Lord have/} {Mercy on my Life/} {-Remember me/} {In ya Paradise/} x2 BACK TO HOOK FIN

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