{"id":287079,"created_at":"2023-02-24 11:29:26","updated_at":"2024-06-21 14:26:13","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2023-02-24 11:29:26","original_id":null,"artist_id":140052,"title":"Do best","slug":"do-best","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":null,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"Chameleon SA ft youniverse\r\n\r\nHook\r\nYou better do the best if you know the best yeah.\r\nDon't even do cry coz you've to hustle\r\nIn this days it's not to live but you the only one would made it for real.","download_count":52,"play_count":12,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":1,"download_count_24_at":"2024-06-21","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":"https:\/\/\/sol-assets\/uploads\/public\/63f\/882\/40a\/thumb_928341_300_300_0_0_crop.jpg","status_reason":"published","status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}
Do best

Chameleon SA

Do best

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Downloads: 52

Song Lyrics:

Chameleon SA ft youniverse Hook You better do the best if you know the best yeah. Don't even do cry coz you've to hustle In this days it's not to live but you the only one would made it for real.

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