{"id":276085,"created_at":"2022-10-02 16:41:38","updated_at":"2024-06-12 23:56:07","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2022-10-02 16:41:38","original_id":null,"artist_id":117743,"title":"9.MENTAL IMAGES","slug":"9mental-images","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":null,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"Cx2\r\nMental IMAGES\"mental IMAGES\"\r\nIs all I c eveytime\"\r\nLord save me\"lord save me\"\r\nTake me out it of this pain\"\r\nMental IMAGES\"mental IMAGES\"\r\nI dont dream bt i c th most\"\r\nLord save m\"lord save me\"\r\nI dnt sleep bt i chase a dream\"\r\n\r\n\r\nV\r\nIm still trying but i c it from a far\"boy i tried\"\r\nIt was time\"took a bumpy ride\"just 2 slide\"just 2 fly\"\r\nWhat a view\"hu u\"im th son of my mommy\"\r\nTh queen of my heart\"th one nd th ONLY\"\r\nTh 1 tht keeps m going cause i hate 2 c her working hard\"i came with th rain nd th flood\"\r\nMental images is all i c\"\r\nI know what i gonne b\"\r\nNo other im th only m\"\r\nFather take th inner m\"\r\nM mentally coping\"i barely take sleep unless im on zannies\"m loving my girls nd i treat them like nannies\"stuck on a nigger we flapping like banners\"\r\nStuck on a nigger she d it like chappies\"\r\nWe popping we popping we popping like zannies\"\r\nSave m lord from this pain\"\r\nIm a dog im a dane\"i b tripping like a main\"\r\nThis aint crazy but its thirlo\"\r\nThis my dream what a dream\"\r\nU dont know how it feels\"\r\nback in th days\"my ppl where living like slaves\"\r\nI dont think it has changed\"its a cycle it's a chain\"\r\nImma d it for th dales\"putting th ville on th map\"","download_count":70,"play_count":0,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":1,"download_count_24_at":"2024-06-12","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":"https:\/\/\/sol-assets\/uploads\/public\/633\/9a2\/c54\/thumb_888470_300_300_0_0_crop.jpg","status_reason":"published","status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}



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Song Lyrics:

Cx2 Mental IMAGES"mental IMAGES" Is all I c eveytime" Lord save me"lord save me" Take me out it of this pain" Mental IMAGES"mental IMAGES" I dont dream bt i c th most" Lord save m"lord save me" I dnt sleep bt i chase a dream" V Im still trying but i c it from a far"boy i tried" It was time"took a bumpy ride"just 2 slide"just 2 fly" What a view"hu u"im th son of my mommy" Th queen of my heart"th one nd th ONLY" Th 1 tht keeps m going cause i hate 2 c her working hard"i came with th rain nd th flood" Mental images is all i c" I know what i gonne b" No other im th only m" Father take th inner m" M mentally coping"i barely take sleep unless im on zannies"m loving my girls nd i treat them like nannies"stuck on a nigger we flapping like banners" Stuck on a nigger she d it like chappies" We popping we popping we popping like zannies" Save m lord from this pain" Im a dog im a dane"i b tripping like a main" This aint crazy but its thirlo" This my dream what a dream" U dont know how it feels" back in th days"my ppl where living like slaves" I dont think it has changed"its a cycle it's a chain" Imma d it for th dales"putting th ville on th map"

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