{"id":273344,"created_at":"2022-09-06 14:08:06","updated_at":"2024-06-17 12:33:16","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2022-09-06 14:08:06","original_id":null,"artist_id":133752,"title":"KOVID LOVE","slug":"kovid-love","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":9549,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"My heart is in a cold place\r\nMy mind is in a lonely place\r\nI just can't keep up\r\nWith these memories on my head now\r\n\r\nI'm going crazy\r\nYou think it's okay\r\nI'm not okay\r\nI just can't keep up\r\nWith these memories on my head now\r\nI'm going crazy\r\nYou think it's okay\r\nI'm not okay\r\nI just can't keep up\r\nWith these memories on my head now\r\n\r\nMy heart is in a cold place\r\nMy mind is in a lonely place\r\nI just can't keep up\r\nWith these memories on my head now","download_count":161,"play_count":1,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":1,"download_count_24_at":"2024-06-17","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":"https:\/\/\/sol-assets\/uploads\/public\/631\/737\/d78\/thumb_878691_300_300_0_0_crop.png","status_reason":"published","status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}

Problematic Dxvrsx


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Downloads: 161

Song Lyrics:

My heart is in a cold place My mind is in a lonely place I just can't keep up With these memories on my head now I'm going crazy You think it's okay I'm not okay I just can't keep up With these memories on my head now I'm going crazy You think it's okay I'm not okay I just can't keep up With these memories on my head now My heart is in a cold place My mind is in a lonely place I just can't keep up With these memories on my head now

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