{"id":2713,"created_at":"2017-09-17 12:05:51","updated_at":"2021-04-21 10:57:42","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2017-09-17 12:05:51","original_id":null,"artist_id":2906,"title":"Ghettoize ft Hizzle","slug":"ghettoize-ft-hizzle","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":null,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"[ Verse 1 : Sellotapez ]\r\nI'm from a place where the ghetto lies\/ a place where the truth traumatize, a place called a ghetto and the people get ghettoized, criticized, undermined, paid no mind like they don't exist\/ first- by the government deserting us, are interest are not of paramount importance\/ making us feel impotent\/ dusty roads lack of water, conditions bad, we are scavengers\/ Secondly- the people from the burbs keep messing with our minds now we pessimist\/Lastly- it's us, the ghetto people, with inferiority complex and the truth is kinda hard to digest\/\r\n\r\n[ Chorus ]\r\nIt's funny how they go around and preach equality\/ while we know they won't allow a one society\/ Judge you coz of where you from and ridicule you\/ I'm from the ghetto oftenly I'm the victim\/\r\n\r\nIt's funny how they go around and preach equality\/ while we know they won't allow a one society\/ Judge you coz of where you from and ridicule you\/ I'm from the ghetto oftenly I'm the victim\/\r\nI feel impotent, ghettoize - ghetto - ghetto ghettoize\r\nGhetto - ghetto ghettoize\r\nGhetto - ghetto ghettoize\r\n\r\n[ Verse 2 : Hizzle ]\r\nUnapologetic\/ Do I Miss The Truth or just being confused\/\r\nIs it my fate to lose\/\r\nThey'll never give me praise\/\r\nThey'll never give me props\/\r\nAll they say about me\/ is that I act too much\/ like I know too much\/ I guess that's all they see or what they wanna see\/\r\nThey'll never see the truth, not the good in me\/ there's nothing good in me\/ there's no believers in me\/ this world full of hate\/ this world full of lies\/ They'll only pay homage\/ when you six feet, six feet, six feet buried in the dirt\/ when the earth eats you\/ because death got you\/ They start remembering you\/\r\nCruel world you should know by now\/ ain't nothing fair about it\/ ain't nothing new about it\r\n\r\n[ Chorus ]\r\nIt's funny how they go around and preach equality\/ while we know they won't allow a one society\/ Judge you coz of where you from and ridicule you\/ I'm from the ghetto oftenly I'm the victim\/\r\n\r\nIt's funny how they go around and preach equality\/ while we know they won't allow a one society\/ Judge you coz of where you from and ridicule you\/ I'm from the ghetto oftenly I'm the victim\/\r\nI feel impotent, ghettoize - ghetto - ghetto ghettoize\r\nGhetto - ghetto ghettoize\r\nGhetto - ghetto ghettoize\r\n\r\n[ Verse 3 : Sellotapez ]\r\nWe are part of this world too\/ same as y'all we got dreams too\/still we suffer Adam and Eve, forbidden fruit\/ still we sidelined, are we a Cole World? don't we deserve better? Privatised education gave the ghetto a public one without consistency\/ Where's the decency? Discrepancies amazes me\/Where's democracy? Is just a illusion of freedom my people are starving, deep in the heart of the ghetto while you full with your belly in your offices\/ we need infrastructure better schools and libraries\/ I don't need your free T-shirt, still I vote I'm responsible, yeah right like I got a choice\/ I'm sick of being sidelined, I'm sick of being excluded, secluded, my music won't reach you, I'm still fighting for that airplay\r\n\r\n[ Chorus ]\r\nIt's funny how they go around and preach equality\/ while we know they won't allow a one society\/ Judge you coz of where you from and ridicule you\/ I'm from the ghetto oftenly I'm the victim\/\r\n\r\nIt's funny how they go around and preach equality\/ while we know they won't allow a one society\/ Judge you coz of where you from and ridicule you\/ I'm from the ghetto oftenly I'm the victim\/\r\nI feel impotent, ghettoize - ghetto - ghetto ghettoize\r\nGhetto - ghetto ghettoize\r\nGhetto - ghetto ghettoize","download_count":344,"play_count":16,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":1,"download_count_24_at":"2021-04-21","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":"https:\/\/\/sol-assets\/uploads\/public\/59b\/e48\/eba\/thumb_17953_300_300_0_0_crop.jpg","status_reason":null,"status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}

Song Lyrics:

[ Verse 1 : Sellotapez ] I'm from a place where the ghetto lies/ a place where the truth traumatize, a place called a ghetto and the people get ghettoized, criticized, undermined, paid no mind like they don't exist/ first- by the government deserting us, are interest are not of paramount importance/ making us feel impotent/ dusty roads lack of water, conditions bad, we are scavengers/ Secondly- the people from the burbs keep messing with our minds now we pessimist/Lastly- it's us, the ghetto people, with inferiority complex and the truth is kinda hard to digest/ [ Chorus ] It's funny how they go around and preach equality/ while we know they won't allow a one society/ Judge you coz of where you from and ridicule you/ I'm from the ghetto oftenly I'm the victim/ It's funny how they go around and preach equality/ while we know they won't allow a one society/ Judge you coz of where you from and ridicule you/ I'm from the ghetto oftenly I'm the victim/ I feel impotent, ghettoize - ghetto - ghetto ghettoize Ghetto - ghetto ghettoize Ghetto - ghetto ghettoize [ Verse 2 : Hizzle ] Unapologetic/ Do I Miss The Truth or just being confused/ Is it my fate to lose/ They'll never give me praise/ They'll never give me props/ All they say about me/ is that I act too much/ like I know too much/ I guess that's all they see or what they wanna see/ They'll never see the truth, not the good in me/ there's nothing good in me/ there's no believers in me/ this world full of hate/ this world full of lies/ They'll only pay homage/ when you six feet, six feet, six feet buried in the dirt/ when the earth eats you/ because death got you/ They start remembering you/ Cruel world you should know by now/ ain't nothing fair about it/ ain't nothing new about it [ Chorus ] It's funny how they go around and preach equality/ while we know they won't allow a one society/ Judge you coz of where you from and ridicule you/ I'm from the ghetto oftenly I'm the victim/ It's funny how they go around and preach equality/ while we know they won't allow a one society/ Judge you coz of where you from and ridicule you/ I'm from the ghetto oftenly I'm the victim/ I feel impotent, ghettoize - ghetto - ghetto ghettoize Ghetto - ghetto ghettoize Ghetto - ghetto ghettoize [ Verse 3 : Sellotapez ] We are part of this world too/ same as y'all we got dreams too/still we suffer Adam and Eve, forbidden fruit/ still we sidelined, are we a Cole World? don't we deserve better? Privatised education gave the ghetto a public one without consistency/ Where's the decency? Discrepancies amazes me/Where's democracy? Is just a illusion of freedom my people are starving, deep in the heart of the ghetto while you full with your belly in your offices/ we need infrastructure better schools and libraries/ I don't need your free T-shirt, still I vote I'm responsible, yeah right like I got a choice/ I'm sick of being sidelined, I'm sick of being excluded, secluded, my music won't reach you, I'm still fighting for that airplay [ Chorus ] It's funny how they go around and preach equality/ while we know they won't allow a one society/ Judge you coz of where you from and ridicule you/ I'm from the ghetto oftenly I'm the victim/ It's funny how they go around and preach equality/ while we know they won't allow a one society/ Judge you coz of where you from and ridicule you/ I'm from the ghetto oftenly I'm the victim/ I feel impotent, ghettoize - ghetto - ghetto ghettoize Ghetto - ghetto ghettoize Ghetto - ghetto ghettoize

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