{"id":232382,"created_at":"2021-08-21 22:14:04","updated_at":"2025-02-13 23:42:31","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2021-08-21 22:14:04","original_id":null,"artist_id":113064,"title":"Cake_Donar.mp3","slug":"cake-donarmp3","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":8468,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"i get on with life as well as my haters,\r\nI'm a little kinda person.but always stay sharp\/\r\nma niggas always wann us to go night clubs\/\r\ni like get stuck on system's hot pipes like its on mondays \r\nI like to contemplate with Pies.\r\nBut when I start to daydream, i think im one of the best nou\r\nMy mind turns straight to purple.im done bustin ma joint nou\r\nlot of shit ,\r\nNou my eyes startin to see clear nou\r\nim getting zhenophobic whenever I spit bars niggas always turn homophobic whenever I show up, they tryna spare me place on mars\r\ndemolic earth, with it's luxury don make us \r\nlife made me shit , im one who got scars\r\nmy jordan sneaker cost me a fortune \r\nall the walks niggas be like im on the platoon \r\nim like ma nigga never hesitate urself u doing the best nou\/\r\neveryday u wake up tell yaself u doin the best nou \r\n\r\nSometimes I look at myself and I look into my eyes,\r\nI notice the way I think about purple with a smile,\r\nCurved lips I just can't disguise.\r\nBut I think it's Pies making my life worthwhile.\r\nWhy is it so hard for me to decide which I love more?\r\nPies or...\r\nPurple?\r\n\r\nI like to use words like 'sticky,'\r\nI like to use words like 'speeches.'\r\nI like to use words about Pies.\r\nBut when I stop my talking,\r\nMy mind turns straight to purple.\r\nThere's a whisper in the 604 breeze\r\nReminding me of mountains waters\r\nThat whisper builds\r\nThat whisper cries\r\nMountains waters in the morning skies \r\n\r\nall u fake niggas be like u made out of mud \r\nclay's better \r\nit's wht exactly the gutter made out oh me \r\ni get exactly the gunner , made it out oh me\r\nain't tryna forget abuh you homies\r\n604 the hood , i hug it all on me \r\ni got the block , stashed with big Dogs\r\nthey block the shit , and smash it with the purpose , they wait for dummy , and switch it wth the hoes \r\n\r\nI've been hearing storms\r\nBut I've tried sloping before\r\nNow I can't find the snowstorm without you\r\nTyphoons are not safe\r\nDJ Slanted is in da house\r\nYou don't wanna be stuck indoors crosshatching\r\nWill you hold me tight and not go ridging\r\nOoh, when I go flooding\r\nI've get new twisters\r\nYou ain't ever gonna be budding\r\nYou must think I'm a hill\r\nI know you think I'm standstill\r\nAnd I'm dancing because you're downhill\r\nI'm way too good at schussing\r\nAnd every hillside is chill\r\nThen you came with all your skating\r\nGood at schussing\r\nYou must think I'm tufted\r\nBaby's got no bends , \r\nlife is a mess im tryna get some earns\r\n\r\nI live my life as if I'm beautiful\r\nDon't be afraid to try prettying\r\nI'm way too good at beefing\r\nThen you came with all your upgrading\r\nNo time to have you reefing\r\nImprovements ain't nothing when I'm loosening with ya\r\nBaby's got no savings\r\nYou don't wanna be stuck indoors admiring\r\nWill you hold me tight and not go profiting\r\nI'm way too good at enthrall\r\nWill you hold me tight and not go staring\r\nim not way to good at lookin at all\r\nWill you hold me tight and not go decreasing\r\nI was undercutting, wearing on my own\r\nWhen times get lone\r\nDon't be afraid to try giggling\r\nwhen life throws u lemon, u shld never go stingy","download_count":131,"play_count":16,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":1,"download_count_24_at":"2025-02-13","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":"https:\/\/s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/sol-assets\/uploads\/public\/612\/15e\/0a5\/thumb_727027_300_300_0_0_crop.jpg","status_reason":"published","status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}
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Song Lyrics:
i get on with life as well as my haters,
I'm a little kinda person.but always stay sharp/
ma niggas always wann us to go night clubs/
i like get stuck on system's hot pipes like its on mondays
I like to contemplate with Pies.
But when I start to daydream, i think im one of the best nou
My mind turns straight to purple.im done bustin ma joint nou
lot of shit ,
Nou my eyes startin to see clear nou
im getting zhenophobic whenever I spit bars niggas always turn homophobic whenever I show up, they tryna spare me place on mars
demolic earth, with it's luxury don make us
life made me shit , im one who got scars
my jordan sneaker cost me a fortune
all the walks niggas be like im on the platoon
im like ma nigga never hesitate urself u doing the best nou/
everyday u wake up tell yaself u doin the best nou
Sometimes I look at myself and I look into my eyes,
I notice the way I think about purple with a smile,
Curved lips I just can't disguise.
But I think it's Pies making my life worthwhile.
Why is it so hard for me to decide which I love more?
Pies or...
I like to use words like 'sticky,'
I like to use words like 'speeches.'
I like to use words about Pies.
But when I stop my talking,
My mind turns straight to purple.
There's a whisper in the 604 breeze
Reminding me of mountains waters
That whisper builds
That whisper cries
Mountains waters in the morning skies
all u fake niggas be like u made out of mud
clay's better
it's wht exactly the gutter made out oh me
i get exactly the gunner , made it out oh me
ain't tryna forget abuh you homies
604 the hood , i hug it all on me
i got the block , stashed with big Dogs
they block the shit , and smash it with the purpose , they wait for dummy , and switch it wth the hoes
I've been hearing storms
But I've tried sloping before
Now I can't find the snowstorm without you
Typhoons are not safe
DJ Slanted is in da house
You don't wanna be stuck indoors crosshatching
Will you hold me tight and not go ridging
Ooh, when I go flooding
I've get new twisters
You ain't ever gonna be budding
You must think I'm a hill
I know you think I'm standstill
And I'm dancing because you're downhill
I'm way too good at schussing
And every hillside is chill
Then you came with all your skating
Good at schussing
You must think I'm tufted
Baby's got no bends ,
life is a mess im tryna get some earns
I live my life as if I'm beautiful
Don't be afraid to try prettying
I'm way too good at beefing
Then you came with all your upgrading
No time to have you reefing
Improvements ain't nothing when I'm loosening with ya
Baby's got no savings
You don't wanna be stuck indoors admiring
Will you hold me tight and not go profiting
I'm way too good at enthrall
Will you hold me tight and not go staring
im not way to good at lookin at all
Will you hold me tight and not go decreasing
I was undercutting, wearing on my own
When times get lone
Don't be afraid to try giggling
when life throws u lemon, u shld never go stingy
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