{"id":232286,"created_at":"2021-08-21 09:23:05","updated_at":"2024-06-24 05:23:27","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2021-08-21 09:23:05","original_id":null,"artist_id":11086,"title":"ONE","slug":"one-7","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":null,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"JULY FREESTYLE\r\n\r\nVERSE\r\nI don't like no violence...\r\nI like silence...\r\nI'm God's child not science...\r\nI've decided...\r\nBut my bars alone can break a leg...\r\nI know I am the one, I never worry who's 2nd best...\r\nBeka! La kush' umpenthisi k'phela\r\nIf unenkinga you may French kiss my uh...\r\nYey! I speak like a free man, not a yes man...\r\nIt never really works if you're not invested...\r\nInk is semen words made a nation...\r\nTrees birth life, each letter begs an AMEN...\r\nAng'tatazeli, ang'jahe ndawo ak'lona elam' i-wash...\r\nMake the cash and build it up ng'loke ng'zame i-plan...\r\nThat's why I keep it straight njalo uma ngikhipha i-tape...\r\nI float in every space...\r\nI know my secret's safe...\r\nCause I don't kiss and tell, wish me well...\r\nRap athlete k'lama tracks ng'yazigijimela...\r\nUma ngizwa insimbi ikhala I run to my ink and pen...\r\nWrite rhymes til' I run out of time like it's a spell...","download_count":162,"play_count":22,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":1,"download_count_24_at":"2024-06-24","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":"https:\/\/\/sol-assets\/uploads\/public\/612\/0a9\/885\/thumb_726674_300_300_0_0_crop.jpg","status_reason":"published","status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}



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Song Lyrics:

JULY FREESTYLE VERSE I don't like no violence... I like silence... I'm God's child not science... I've decided... But my bars alone can break a leg... I know I am the one, I never worry who's 2nd best... Beka! La kush' umpenthisi k'phela If unenkinga you may French kiss my uh... Yey! I speak like a free man, not a yes man... It never really works if you're not invested... Ink is semen words made a nation... Trees birth life, each letter begs an AMEN... Ang'tatazeli, ang'jahe ndawo ak'lona elam' i-wash... Make the cash and build it up ng'loke ng'zame i-plan... That's why I keep it straight njalo uma ngikhipha i-tape... I float in every space... I know my secret's safe... Cause I don't kiss and tell, wish me well... Rap athlete k'lama tracks ng'yazigijimela... Uma ngizwa insimbi ikhala I run to my ink and pen... Write rhymes til' I run out of time like it's a spell...

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