{"id":217428,"created_at":"2021-05-12 22:56:40","updated_at":"2024-06-17 19:30:22","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2021-05-12 22:56:40","original_id":null,"artist_id":4005,"title":"Ngiyakukhumbula Mama","slug":"ngiyakukhumbula-mama","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":8733,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"Verse 1\r\nI know heaven is smiling, while I`m sharing a tear\/ and as I`m reminiscing ma, I`m wishing you were here\/the pain in my heart, I wana make it disappear\/sometimes I wana make a call to heaven for a minute\/The preacher man told me that you`re in a better place\/ and shouldn\u2019t give up faith \/but I just wana see your face\/ to put me in a better place\/ still praying for better days\/ no reply, I`m amazed\/My heart is heavy ma\/and I can feel the weight\/the other day I paid a visit to your grave\/. And I could feel your presence every minute of the day\/and everybody kept saying that its gona be okay\/but I don\u2019t wana live to see another day without you.\r\nChorus\r\nwangishiya ngisemncane, wangishiya ngisemncane mama\/ angionele \/Ngiyakukhumbula mama\/ungishiyelani\/angsakhoni mama yeah.\r\n\r\nVerse 2\r\nI was young when you died and the pain was unbearable\/the seed that you left on this earth is so meaningful\/My brother`s got a wife and his wedding was so beautiful\/ he is blessed with a son and the boy looks adorable\/ I`m tearing down, I wish I could bring you back\/ dramatized I was young when you passed\/ This life thing is a blessing and a curse\/ so I, drink liquor coz the liquor understands\/ I work hard every day tryna make it\/ Thank you for this life that you gave me\/ the love and the way that you raised me\/ I`m grown, I`m a man its amazing\/ May you soul rest till we meet Ma o`lady\r\nChorus\r\nwangishiya ngisemncane, wangishiya ngisemncane mama\/ angionele \/Ngiyakukhumbula mama\/ungishiyelani\/angsakhoni mama yeah.","download_count":189,"play_count":49,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":1,"download_count_24_at":"2024-06-17","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":"https:\/\/\/sol-assets\/uploads\/public\/609\/c40\/b2d\/thumb_668644_300_300_0_0_crop.jpg","status_reason":"published","status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}

Song Lyrics:

Verse 1 I know heaven is smiling, while I`m sharing a tear/ and as I`m reminiscing ma, I`m wishing you were here/the pain in my heart, I wana make it disappear/sometimes I wana make a call to heaven for a minute/The preacher man told me that you`re in a better place/ and shouldn’t give up faith /but I just wana see your face/ to put me in a better place/ still praying for better days/ no reply, I`m amazed/My heart is heavy ma/and I can feel the weight/the other day I paid a visit to your grave/. And I could feel your presence every minute of the day/and everybody kept saying that its gona be okay/but I don’t wana live to see another day without you. Chorus wangishiya ngisemncane, wangishiya ngisemncane mama/ angionele /Ngiyakukhumbula mama/ungishiyelani/angsakhoni mama yeah. Verse 2 I was young when you died and the pain was unbearable/the seed that you left on this earth is so meaningful/My brother`s got a wife and his wedding was so beautiful/ he is blessed with a son and the boy looks adorable/ I`m tearing down, I wish I could bring you back/ dramatized I was young when you passed/ This life thing is a blessing and a curse/ so I, drink liquor coz the liquor understands/ I work hard every day tryna make it/ Thank you for this life that you gave me/ the love and the way that you raised me/ I`m grown, I`m a man its amazing/ May you soul rest till we meet Ma o`lady Chorus wangishiya ngisemncane, wangishiya ngisemncane mama/ angionele /Ngiyakukhumbula mama/ungishiyelani/angsakhoni mama yeah.

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