Sjava and Big Zulu, collectively Inkabi Zezwe, have released their debut single as a duo titled ‘Umbayimbayi’ which serves as the lead single to their...
Priddy Prince and Zoocci Coke Dope have teamed up to release a new single titled ‘After All’, which speaks to the struggles of balancing a music caree...
Ghanaian-American musician Amaarae makes her return with ‘Reckless & Sweet’ and teases fans with news of her next album, ‘Fountain Baby’, coming soon ...
Last week Friday, Sjava and Big Zulu announced a joint project as Inkabi Zezwe, which is the name of their duo. The project’s first single, ‘Umbayimba...
Fresh off being cast for ‘Love & Hip Hop South Africa’, Fifi Cooper sits down with us and discuss how she got to be part of the show. She also discuss...
There’s no stopping Ayra Starr. Since the release of her debut album, ’19 & Dangerous’ in 2021, the singer-songwriter has grown into an Afro-Fusion st...
Up-and-coming rappers Benzo and Buzzi Lee have dropped the visuals for their collaborative single ‘Bounce’. The two rappers rock Red Bat items as they...
The visuals for ‘Isoka’, the latest single from Sjava’s latest album, ‘Isibuko’, will put a smile on your face. There’s a lot of dancing, happy faces,...
This morning, South Africans woke up to the shocking news of Costa Titch’s passing. The rapper collapsed while performing on stage at Ultra at Expo Ce...
You may known Nigerian Afrobeats star Lojay for 2022 hit single ‘Monalisa’, an Afrobeats and Amapiano fusion which features Chris Brown and Afrobeats ...
One thing about YoungstaCPT is his projects are always well thought-out and usually have a running theme that unites the songs. The artwork and title ...
With performances from the likes of Kabza De Small, Thabza Tee, Njelic, Kamo Mphela, Daliwonga, Toss and others, Boiler Room and Ballantine’s True Mus...