Following the success of his collaboration with Russel Zuma on ‘Ingane Yabantu’, rising star, MalumNator has released a new single titled ‘Phepha Ndab...
Following the release of his debut EP ‘Kwaito Nama Medi’ as a solo artist is Reece Madlisa as he makes another return with a brand-new single with Kwa...
The Big Hash has confirmed that he will be dropping his long-awaited sophomore album, ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ on July 21st. Ahead of the project, he is set...
Nigerian DJ and producer, Spinall has dropped captivating visuals for his latest Afrobeats banger, ‘Loju’ alongside frequent collaborator, renowned mu...
Money Badoo has released the long-awaited music video for ‘H3ART OVERBOARD’, co-starring multi-award-winning illustrator, Karabo Poppy. The single hou...
Kwesta is the fifth artist to get featured on season two of Red Bull 64 Bars. In this episode, the endowed rapper shows off his lyrical ability in a f...