{"id":156915,"created_at":"2020-07-24 04:03:20","updated_at":"2021-04-19 03:09:39","deleted_at":null,"published_at":"2020-07-24 04:03:20","original_id":null,"artist_id":74065,"title":"Anymore","slug":"anymore-10","status":"published","description":null,"album_id":null,"streets":1,"source_type":"s3","source":"file","lyrics":"They tryna live under my shadow because I'm doing good\r\nI'm doing good, I own the game, back then they didn't give a damn, now they fuck with my sh** bit** I'm gonna blow up \r\nMe and fake people don't mix anymore \r\nMe and these bit**** don't fuck anymore \r\nMe and these niggas ain't friends anymore \r\nThese niggas backstabbers I done cut them off huh!","download_count":69,"play_count":5,"restrict_download":0,"generated_thumbnail":null,"flag_count":0,"download_count_24":1,"download_count_24_at":"2021-04-19","reupload_sent":0,"thumb_path":"https:\/\/s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/sol-assets\/uploads\/public\/5f1\/a3f\/794\/thumb_473031_300_300_0_0_crop.jpg","status_reason":"published","status_reason_alt":null,"tags":[]}
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Downloads: 69
Song Lyrics:
They tryna live under my shadow because I'm doing good
I'm doing good, I own the game, back then they didn't give a damn, now they fuck with my sh** bit** I'm gonna blow up
Me and fake people don't mix anymore
Me and these bit**** don't fuck anymore
Me and these niggas ain't friends anymore
These niggas backstabbers I done cut them off huh!
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