You know what makes me happy? The fact that it seems artists are indeed concerned about the future of their copyright ownership. This is evidenced in last week's biggest story. It was all about awareness on that one. With only one come back to this week's Most Popular Content chart, that being Tellaman's brand new single with Nasty C, we finally got AKA and Anatii's much anticipated duo album BCWYWF. Our Monday Feature, What SA Hip Hop Said, also got your ears perked up last week, along with an international story (something very rare) sharing a trailer for a documentary on Jay Z and Kanye West's notorious feud. Hmm! Play catch up below:
1. Users of copyrighted material will enjoy equal privilege to content creators
In other words, an artist is the same as a broadcaster (radio, TV and more) when coming to the use of material. This means that whoever uses your song has the potential to earn an income and/or royalties from it. YUP! I play the Supa Mega somewhere out there and me I eat from playing him without his knowledge nor credit!
Niggas, if you're a FATHER... take care of your KID or KIDS!!!
— #DustDJ ???????? (@DJVigilanteSA) July 22, 2017