This week's Top 5 most streamed and downloaded tracks are rather unique. There's a mix of some older and new hits on the chart which means that people are catching onto heat. But then again, music has no expiry date and that translates in Stilo Magolide trending this week. Then, K2 is back on the chart for a second week in a row while Flame comes back for a third week now. Big Star and Rowlene make new entries into the Top 5, which sees Big Star appearing twice on the chart this week. Peep the list below:
It seems like yesterday when I heard MoneyBaddo Porn$tar album and from then I knew that her ear for music and creativity as a whole is unmatched. Mon...
Thank you thank you thank you please hold your applause Niggas challenge with no motion who's playing the beatles son...
Its the time of the year where we make reflect and make resolutions, the resolution is on you and the reflection is on Tswyza.Touchingon e...