J-Smash has announced his next drop 'Danup' featuring The Qwellers. The 10 crew members have been in superb form with one of their members, LaCabra dropping his mixtapes 'Iqhawe Emphakathini'. The last time J-Smash put his hands on something was when he assisted Given Da Chief on his debut album.
Almost a week after BIg Zulu and Duncan went back and forth with fiery diss tracks, Duncan is set to retaliate with new visuals for his latest track, ...
Maglera Doe Boy makes a special appearance in American rappers Cousin Stizz and Smino's new visuals for 'Nokia'. MDB took to socials to give Cousi...
Sjava took to socials to triumph over the visuals for his critically acclaimed single, 'Typhoon' featuring The Qwellers surpassing two million views o...