
Q&A: Mikhalé Jones Hasn’t Slept Since Winning ‘MTN Pulse Virals’

By @SeptemberEleven on 01/31/2024 in Interview

Last week, Mikhalé Jones became the winner of MTN Pulse Virals season one, walking away with R200,000 worth of prizes, which is R100K cash, a music video worth R50K and a radio and social media campaign worth R50K. 

The R&B singer-songwriter is dropping a new single this Friday titled ‘Be Like Me’, accompanied by a music video.

We caught up with Mikhalé and she shared how it feels to win, working on the visuals for ’Be Like Me’ as well as what her plans for the future are. 

You are a self-professed over-thinker. What thoughts have been running through your mind since winning Virals? 

Ever since winning, my mind has been on GO!! How do I take full advantage of this opportunity / win? Will I have enough money and resources to back all these big and wonderful ideas I’m coming up with? How soon should I drop music? The rollout plan for content etc… No sleeping! And no taking it easy! For a while... Lol 

What should we expect from Mikhalé musically this year? 

You can definitely expect new music, live performances and more content on the socials. Some R&B, Some Hip-Hop and some House. 

What message can you send to the other contestants?

You are all crazy talented and have taught me so much in the days we spent together. Let that not be the last because, if anything, the show taught me that we really are powerful when we unite. Here’s to more music, more shows, more opportunities and amazing collabs moving forward!

Tell us about the experience of filming the music video for ‘Be Like Me’ which is coming out this Friday.

I loved that I got to work with my peers. Working with creatives my age and from my time made explaining my vision so much easier. From the treatments they presented and references they used, I already knew that the team and I are on the same wavelength and that makes for amazing work. On set, everyone came in and did their job, professionally so and the rest was up to us trusting the process. And we definitely made magic ! The video is HOT!

This Friday, Mikhalé Jones is dropping the single ‘Be Like Me’, accompanied by a music video which was part of her MTN Pulse Virals prize. Be on the lookout. 




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